Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I Never Meta Face (book) I Didn't Like

He's been married and divorced twice in the 5 years we've been friends on Facebook.

She ends every other post with "PRAYERS NEEDED" and "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!"

He was a prolific writer until he met the woman who recently became his fiance.

There are 108 women. There are 113 men. There used to be one dog, a fat little Chihuahua named Oscar, but he died last year.

There are too many relatives, a fact that probably holds true in real life as well.

There are 14 people I've never met.

There are my two best friends from the old neighborhood. And my two best friends from the new neighborhood.

There's the boy I had a serious crush on in seventh grade. Two official ex-boyfriends. One husband. And a smattering of guys that just happened, to varying degrees, in between.

Lots of former co-workers.

There are at least three Tea Party members. And just guessing, more Republicans than Democrats.

There are too many Christians to count. Just one Muslim. Nine Jewish people. One Zoroastrian. And a handful of hardcore atheists.

Two gay men, one lesbian. The lesbian is in a committed relationship and recently got married.

There are only three African Americans. And two Asians.

They live in Bangkok. London. New York. Los Angeles. But let's not kid ourselves here, they are mostly in the Midwest.

Eleven have served in the military. 26 have been divorced at least once. Most of the singletons are under 25.

They are mostly parents. Eight of whom had babies in the past year.

75% of these folks I barely know and haven't spoken with in 5+ years.
About three quarters of the way through this little metadata exercise, I started to feel blah.

It is not a joyful activity, sorting people into buckets like this.
Speaking of differences, here's what I'm reading today:

The Case for Reparations by Ta-Nehisi Coats in the Atlantic

Every Goddamn Day by Neil Steinberg in the Chicago Sun-Times

Europe's Secret Success by Paul Krugman in the New York Times
If you're here, you are one of maybe a dozen people I invited to this little summer blogging experiment.

And make no mistake about it, it's an experiment.

But it sure feels good adding something I truly enjoy (writing) after taking away something that was enjoyable maybe 40% of the time (Facebook).

Welcome friends, your comments and constructive feedback are appreciated.
I am reading: Little Bee by Chris Cleave
I am listening to: The classic country station on Comcast
And I am: Rusty

1 comment:

  1. Interesting way to look at relationships. I'm going to do this and hope I don't depress myself.
